Day 8 -- Travel to Prague, and quick sightseeing tour.
Today is a bus ride to Prague, still along the Danube in most places.
We stop for lunch at a gasthause.
It's sort of like a cafeteria...
...with different stations where you can order things.
We settled on splitting this sandwich and fries, and getting a bowl of odd things from the "salad bar",
including beets, peppers, cabbage. Salad was in short supply for most of the trip, so we had to make
do with whatever was available.
They also had a small petting zoo on the grounds for the kiddies.
Arriving in Prague at the Occidental Five Hotel. "Praha" is the Czech word for Prague, and we are in zone
five of the city, thus the Occidental Praha Five.
Alex takes us on an orientation tour to the market area, and then to the metro station.
We take the metro... the downtown shipping area. For some reason, they had various bears everywhere.
We walk through some of the shopping area... get to the main square.
The big tourist attraction is the Astronomical Clock,
but it is under repair and the clockworks don't work.
Consolation prize: they call this "trdlnik", which we guess is a play on "turtleneck", or sometimes
called a chimney. You can tell they are somewhat sloppy to eat.
It is dough wound around a spindle that rotisseries it over a charcoal fire. They then rub it in
cinnamon sugar, and fill it up with ice cream. They put too small of a cup underneath, so you had
better eat it quickly.