Gallery of Videos:
Welcome to our video gallery. The more recent videos are at the top of the page.
- 10/05/2024: Photo montage from Dawn's funeral service.
- 06/11/2024: Dash cam of Kimberly getting hit by a red light runner.
- 10/29/2023: Soloist at CSCLV.
- 08/20/2023: Soloist at CSCLV.
- 06/11/2023: Final song leading at CSCLV.
- 04/09/2023: Easter Choir Sunday and song leading at CSCLV.
- 04/02/2023: Palm Sunday "Jesus Christ Superstar" at CSCLV.
- "Overture"
- "Heaven on Their Minds" with Rick as Judas
- "Everything's Alright" with Lili as Mary Magdelene, Rick as Judas, Wade as Jesus
- "Hosannah" with all, Michael as Caiaphas, Wade as Jesus
- "Pilate's Dream" with Michael as Pontius Pilate
- "I Don't Know How to Love Him" with Lili as Mary Magdelene
- "Gethsemane (I Only Want to Say)" with Wade as Jesus
- "Superstar" with Rick as Judas
- 03/19/2023: Choir Sunday and song leading at CSCLV.
- 03/12/2023: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 02/12/2023: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 01/15/2023: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 12/24/2022: Christmas Eve service at CSCLV.
- 12/18/2022: Choir Sunday at CSCLV.
- 12/11/2022: Soloist and song leading at CSCLV.
- 11/13/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 11/06/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 10/09/2022: Soloist and song leading at CSCLV.
- 10/02/2022: Accompanying Allendale at CSCLV.
- 09/25/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 09/11/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 08/28/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 08/21/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 08/14/2022: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 07/17/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 07/10/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 07/03/2022: Wade giving the talk "Proud to Be an American?" at CSLCV.
- 06/19/2022: Choir small group and songleading at CSLCV.
- 06/12/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 05/15/2022: Choir Sunday at CSLCV.
- 05/08/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 04/17/2022: Choir Sunday at CSLCV.
- 04/10/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 03/13/2022: Choir (small group) Sunday at CSLCV.
- 03/13/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 02/13/2022: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 11/14/2021: Choir Sunday at CSCLV.
- "Sing We Now of Christmas" not available on video.
- "A Wintry Noel"
- "Rise Up Shepherd and Follow"
- 12/12/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 11/14/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 10/17/2021: Kimberly and Wade as part of a choir septet at CSCLV.
- 09/19/2021: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 09/09/2021: Wade's biplane experience at San Diego Air Tours.
- Part 1, takeoff and initial cruising.
- Part 2, over San Diego.
- Unfortunately, the GoPro stopped recording before we go to the real aerobatics.
- 09/05/2021: Choir Sunday at CSLCV, welcoming Rev. Alice.
- 08/29/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 08/22/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 08/08/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 07/25/2021: "To Tell The Truth" at CSCLV.
- "To Tell The Truth", a one-act play featuring:
- Clark Wilson as the emcee Bud Collyer
- Jamie Kalama as Betty White
- Wade Wooldridge as Charles Nelson Reilly
- Judee Chapman as Dorothy Kilgallen
- Rick Dale as Pope John Paul II
- Karyn Allen as Mao Tse Tung
- Hans Smith as Dr. Karl Jung
- Kimberly Wooldridge as Emma Curtis Hopkins
- Wade and Kimberly announcements: "To Tell The Truth" characters.
- 07/11/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 06/27/2021: Kimberly in a trio with Rita and Jamie at CSCLV.
- 06/20/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 05/16/2021: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 05/09/2021: Song leading at CSCLV.
- 04/25/2021: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 03/28/2021: "Jesus Christ Superstar" highlights for Palm Sunday.
- 03/14/2021: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 03/07/2021: Special music for Rev. Heather's last service.
- 02/14/2021: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 01/17/2021: "Les Miserables" medley for Heather's birthday.
- 01/10/2021: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 12/27/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 12/24/2020: Christmas Eve service at CSCLV.
- "What Child Is This? / Child of the Poor" (Wade and Kimberly duet)
- "The First Noel" (Wade and Kimberly songleading)
- "O Holy Night" (Wade solo)
- "We Three Kings" (Wade, Jimmy, and Ricky songleading)
- "Huron Carol" (Wade and Jimmy duet)
- "O Come All Ye Faithful" (Wade and Kimberly songleading)
- "If Every Day Were Christmas" (Kimberly reading)
- "Joy To The World" (All)
- "Happy Christmas (War is Over)" (All, with Ricky solo)
- "Peace, Peace / Silent Night" (All)
- 11/29/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 10/25/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 09/27/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 08/30/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 07/19/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 06/14/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 05/31/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 05/10/2020: Wade soloing at CSCLV.
- 03/11/2020: Wade's Wednesday Wisdom: "Numbers don't lie...or do they?"
- 03/08/2020: Wade and Kimberly announcements: If you know what I mean.
- 03/01/2020: Allendale and Wade and Kimberly announcements: Dr. Seuss.
- 02/23/2020: Wade and Karyn announcements: Advertising slogans.
- 02/16/2020: Jewel Tone Choir at CSLCV.
- 02/02/2020: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Bobo the Announcement Clown.
- 01/26/2020: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Bad puns.
- 01/12/2020: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Super Bowl Sunday.
- 12/29/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: 'Twas the week after Christmas.
- 12/08/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Self-defense against invitations.
- 11/17/2019: Jewel Tone Choir at CSLCV.
- 11/24/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: best-case scenarios.
- 11/10/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: worst-case scenarios.
- 10/27/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Lesser-known chakras.
- 10/13/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Wade as the Preacher (from "Violet").
- 09/29/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: "Wizard of Oz" quotes.
- 09/22/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Conspiracy theories (tinfoil hats).
- 09/15/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: "Back in my day...
- 09/08/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Chefs.
- 09/01/2019: Wade's early birthday at iFly in Oceanside.
- 08/11/2019: Wade soloing at CSLCV.
- 08/04/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: "Alice in Wonderland" quotes.
- 07/28/2019: Wade soloing at CSLCV.
- 07/21/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Russian tour guides.
- 06/30/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Lawyer / Contract language.
- 06/09/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Choir Show.
- 06/09/2019: "Spring Sing", a CSLCV choir show. [NEW]
- 05/26/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Entomology.
- 05/19/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Jewel Tones.
- 05/18/2019: Karyn Allen's commencement speech at CSUF.
- 04/28/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Coneheads.
- 04/14/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: The Little Red Hen (truncated).
- 03/31/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Poor Richard's Almanac announcements.
- 03/24/2019: Wade soloing at CSLCV as a last-minute fill-in.
- 03/17/2019: Wade singing "O Danny Boy" for St. Patrick's Day.
- 03/10/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: "Gone With the Wind".
- 02/24/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: It sure is cold.
- 02/10/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Los Angeles Chargers.
- 01/27/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Weekend Update with Chevy Chase and Roseanne Roseannadanna.
- 01/13/2019: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Yoga Announcements.
- 12/30/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Reindeer.
- 12/09/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Winter is Coming.
- 11/25/2018: Wade soloing at CSLCV.
- 11/11/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Sherlock and Watson.
- 11/04/2018: "Who Wants to Be A Millionaire?" episode for the CSLCV pledge program.
- Wade Wooldridge as Regis Philbin
- Kimberly Wooldridge as Rosie Outlook
- Karyn Allen as Debbie Downer
- Rick Dale as Harry Happenstance
- Hans Smith as Leroy Post
- 10/14/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Latin phrases.
- 09/23/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Welcome, Adventurers!
- 09/09/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Judge Judy (with Rick and Karyn).
- 08/12/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Hippy Dippy.
- 07/29/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Bible verses.
- 07/08/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: New York accent.
- 06/24/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Top Ten list.
- 06/10/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Jeopardy! (with Rick and Karyn).
- 06/08/2018: CSLCV choir show: "Songs of the Silver Screen"
With Diane King Vann, the Dynamo Band, and the Jewel Tones Choir- "Tonight" (all choir)
- "Lida Rose / Will I Ever Tell You?" (Wade, Rick, Jimmy, Dave, Rita)
- "Singin' in the Rain" (Wade)
- "Tumblin' Tumbleweeds / My God" (guys, gals)
- Leonard Cohen "Hallelujah" (Wade, Kimberly, Rick, Karyn)
- "Wonderful World" (all choir)
- "All I Ask of You" (Wade, Rita, dwarves)
- "I'm Tired" (Kimberly, Wade)
- "Hakuna Matata" (all choir)
- "Brotherhood of Man" (guys)
- "Over the Rainbow" (all choir)
- 05/26/2018: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Movie Quotes (for the choir show).
- 04/22/2018: Wade singing "Dreamscape" at CSL Hemet.
- 04/14/2018: Wade bungee jumping at the Bridge to Nowhere.
- Jump One (forward dive)
- Jump Two (backward "happy starfish")
- Jump Three (forward dive)
- 08/20/2017: Wade and Kimberly with Rick and Karyn doing "Respect Yourself" at CSLCV.
- 07/09/2017: Kimberly and the Sisters of Perpetual Positivity performing "My God" at CSLCV.
- 06/11/2017: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Film Noir.
- 05/04/2017: Kimberly in "Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean" at the Vista Broadway. [NEW]
- 04/08/2017: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Pre-flight announcements.
- 03/25/2017: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Talking to your pets.
- 03/09/2017: Kimberly in "Other Desert Cities" at the WCT [NEW].
- 02/11/2017: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Soap Opera (with Rick and Karyn).
- 01/28/2017: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Special CD offer.
- 01/14/2017: Wade and Kimberly announcements: Arrest and Mirandize.
- 10/06/2016: Kimberly in "Nana's Naughty Knickers" at the Vista Broadway [NEW].
- 06/10/2016: "The Power of Love", a CSLCV choir show.
- 04/05/2016: "It's Only Words", a CSLCV Wednesday Wisdom talk by Wade.
- 06/12/2015: "A Grand Night at the Lil Ole Opry", a CSLCV choir show. [NEW]
- 01/29/2015: Kimberly in "Dead Man's Cell Phone" at Stages. [NEW]
- 06/13/2014: "Swing Time Cabaret", a CSLCV choir show. [NEW]
- 06/06/2014: Kimberly in "Walter Cronkite is Dead" at the Vista Broadway. [NEW]
- 01/07/2013: Wade and Kimberly in "The Mousetrap" at the Cabrillo Playhouse. [NEW]
- 10/28/2012: The "Hanyo Blues" in celebration of Hans' birthday.
- 07/22/2012: Wade and Kimberly playing racquetball at L.A. Fitness on Alicia for Kimberly's birthday.
- 05/18/2012: Kimberly in "The Hollow" at the WCT. [NEW]
- 05/11/2012: Wade singing "In Another World", a song for what would have been Mark's 21st birthday.
- 01/03/2012: Kimberly "Leading Ladies" at WCT [NEW].
- 10/27/2011: Photo and video montage for Mark's Funeral Service [NEW].
- 09/09/2011: Kimberly in "Hay Fever" at the WCT. [NEW]
- 07/15/2011: Kimberly in "The Shadow Box" at the WCT. [NEW]
- 07/03/2011: Rick, Karyn, Kimberly, and Wade in the back yard reprising the National Anthem from CSLCV that morning.
- 06/18/2011: "Eat, Pray, Love", a CSLCV Choir Show [NEW]
- 05/01/2011: "To
Tell The Truth", a one-act play by Kimberly and Wade performed
at CSLCV, featuring:
- Alan Potter as the emcee Bud Collyer
- Darrolyn Fennelly as Betty White
- Wade Wooldridge as Charles Nelson Reilly
- Barbara Potter as Dorothy Kilgallen
- Rick Dale as Pope John Paul II
- Karyn Allen as Mao Tse Tung
- Hans Smith as Dr. Karl Jung
- Kimberly Wooldridge as Emma Curtis Hopkins
- 04/24/2011: "See How They Run" Act 1 at the Camino Real Playhouse [NEW].
- xx/xx/2010: Kimberly as Julia Child in a Sacred Circle skit at CSLCV.
- 05/24/2010: Kimberly in "The King and I" at the Camino Real Playhouse [NEW]
- 04/02/2010: Kimberly as Evelyn Briggs in "Independence" at
Stage II of the Camino Real Playhouse.
- Act I scene with Kess: Evelyn and her oldest daughter interact when the daughter comes to visit.
- Act I scene with Jessica: Evelyn discusses leaving her prized cameo to Kess instead of Jessica.
- Act II finale.
- Full video.
- 02/24/2010: The Fire Pit Players in To Tell The Truth, a one-act play by Wade and Kimberly. This staged reading took place at the Center for Spiritual Living, Capistrano Valley.
- 10/18/2009: Wade and Kimberly with the CSLCV choir.
- 09/11/2009: Wade and Kimberly in various roles in "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change" at the Cabrillo Playhouse.
- 05/24/2009: Wade as Rev. Shaw Moore in "Footloose" at the Camino Real Playhouse.
- 02/27/2009: Wade as Harold Nichols in "The Full Monty" at the Maverick Theater.
- 10/16/2008: Wade as Bela Lupescu in "Dracula-La" at Huntington Beach Playhouse.
- 08/08/2008: Wade and Kimberly as Luann's Dad and Mom in "Luann, The Musical" at Huntington Beach Playhouse.
- 05/16/2008: Kimberly as Grace in "Under Papa's Picture" at Huntington Beach Playhouse.
- 04/04/2008: Wade in "Company" at the Hunger Artists Theater [NEW]
- Early 2008: Wade in "Anything Goes" at the Newport Theatre Arts Center [NEW]
- 06/10/2007: "1940's Radio Hour", a CSLCV Choir Show [NEW]
- 06/10/2007: Wade with Clarke Wilson doing "Who's On First" for Desserts Theatre at the Capistrano Valley Church of Religious Science.
- 06/19/2006: "The Journey", a CSLCV choir show.
- 04/08/2001: Wade and Kimberly's Wedding Video [NEW]
2000 and earlier:
- Circa 1997: Mark reciting some nursery rhymes (audio only from cassette) [NEW]
- Circa 1996: Wade in the Lamplight Carolers (sample songs, audio only from cassette) [NEW]
- 09/09/1990: Scott on Wade's birthday, also featuring Nancy, Rosemary, and Travis[NEW]
- Circa 1990: Stan Emmert Demo Tape (sample songs, audio only from cassette) [NEW]
- Circa 1983: Wade in the The Blast Demo Tape 1 (sample songs, audio only from cassette) [NEW]
- Circa 1983: Wade in the The Blast Demo Tape 2 (sample songs, audio only from cassette) [NEW]