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For our third day in Naples, we decided to go on the subterranean tour. We have done these in other cities, and they can be quite interesting.
Descending down into the caverns.
Note that there is very little light down here for the camera to work with. This is a picture through the wall to running water on the other side.
For a long time, this was the aqueduct system under the city.
Later, it was used as bomb shelters during the war. Here are some of the items that people brought down with them. Keep in mind that they might be down in the shelters for days and weeks at a time.
A replica tank that was built for display.
They tried to do hydroponic gardening below the surface, but they say the crops only survive for nine months at a time and then die and have to be replaced.
A view through the walls.
Down in the storage cellar. There is a stairway in the back right up to the convent, and a stairway in the back left up to the church. These cupboards were used for storing supplies.
Here we are being issued candles for the part where we have to squeeze sideways through a long crack in the walls. You can skip this part if you are claustrophobic.
If you go through the crack, you get to see this aqueduct. Note that the whole thing about holding the candles is contrived, as they have electric light wherever they want to put it.
As we exit the first part, there is some memorabilia on display. I think the flag is draped like this, because there are laws about displaying symbols such as the swastika.
We walk through town to part two of the tour.
Down this alleyway, to where there are pieces of a Greek theater.
In this apartment...
There is a trap door down below.
The family who lived there used it as a wine cellar. When they discovered these arches were part of the theater, the conservation organization bought the apartment.
A stair down to the backstage area of the theater.
This is an added bathroom for another apartment in this building, built right into the theater.
Outside looking in the same direction as where that bathroom is.
Around the corner on another street, more of the arches that are part of the theater.
Done with the tour, and making our way through Naples, we decide to take the Funicular. It's really not that exciting, just a slanted train track. They have one at Magic Mountain if you want to ride one.
Wandering about, this is a shot back to Castel dell'Ovo.